רשת הכוללים שס אידן
The Shas Yiden Network

In just 16 years since Shas Yiden was established, it has RAISED THE BAR and REVOLUTIONIZED the Torah world to the realization that MASTERING SHAS IN BEKIUS, IYUN AND B’AL PEH IS ACHIEVABLE even by many
לא בשמים היא!

7 Shas Yiden Locations:

yerushalayim • bnei brak • beit shemesh
BEITAR • Kiryat Sefer • London • Flatbush, NY

כולל שס אידן

  • Shas Yiden has expanded from 6 to 125 avreichim geonim
  • Learning 7 days/week, including Erev Shabbos & Shabbos, Erev Yom Tov & Yom Tov
  • Sun-Thurs: 45 Blatt/Day - 9 Blatt + 4 chazoras (revisions)
  • Friday-Shabbos: 20 Blatt/Day - 4 Blatt + 4 chazoras
  • 180 LEARNING DAYS MORE PER YEAR than the average kollel
  • Each avreich does A MINIMUM OF 13,555 Blatt a year, PLUS every Rashi & Tosfos, בעל פה
  • Detailed MONTHLY TESTS - 225 Blatt
  • PUBLIC FARHERS by Gedolei Torah (3-4 times/year)

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Fusce commodo est at sapien sodales gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean rutrum ante vel tristique tincidunt. Proin rutrum gravida enim at ultrices. Vivamus augue arcu, interdum nec est ut, rhoncus tincidunt quam.

Shas Yiden Avreichim Geonim at farher – 5784-2024


In Iyar 5778, together with the inauguration of the Shas Yiden Yerushalayim, Maran Sar Hatorah Hagaon Chaim Kanievsky, zt"l, accepted to serve as the Nasi of the Shas Yiden network. This was after farhering all the avreichim every year on the entire Shas and celebrating their annual Siyum in his home, in memory of the late Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, z”l.

(Days of Mercy and Slichos 5781) … In praise of these precious avreichim, Rabbonim Geonim, of the Shas Yiden Kolel Network… who so diligently study the entire Shas in depth and with sharpness… have tested them thoroughly. …it is long time since I have seen such a large number of young talmidei chachomim gathered together, where each is a ‘walking Shas, all the more so when they are all together, all from the same source.
…The Pozna Rov has managed to raise the greatness of Torah to lofty heights, so that it can be said that he has caused a revolution in the world of Torah and the yeshivos encouraging great efforts in learning and knowledge of Torah.
… And in praise of the Pozna Rov who makes every effort so that these special avreichim have the wherewithal to enable them to immerse themselves in the four amos of Torah and halacha… all for the glory and grandeur of the Torah.
… Bless all those who support te Shas Yiden kollelim and their children… to grow in Torah… to be blessed materially and spiritually, in health and simcha, always.

Maran Sar Hatorah רשכבה"ג
Hagaon Harav Kanievsky, zt"l
Nasi, 'Shas Yiden'

Maran רשכבה"ג Rosh Yeshivat Ponevez
Hagaon Harav Gershon Edelstein

(Close of Cheshvan 5782) “… Praised are these talmidei chachomim, most outstanding in Torah, who know the entire Shas Bavli in breadth and depth. They are Emesdike (true) Shas Yiden whom I have tested personally, and I saw that they were extremely knowledgeable in the entire Shas.
“… And praised is the Pozna Rov, shlit”a, who merited to be the Nachshon (the very first) with this idea to establish these kollelim and to train outstanding Talmidei Chachomim who merit to learn Gemora, Rashi and Tosfos and to complete the entire Shas every year, through effort and with clear knowledge.
“… my brocha to the Rabbonim of these kollelim that they should merit to know the entire Torah, “to learn, to teach, to observe and to do, and to fulfill all the words of Your Torah in love.” And may our colleague, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen merit to open more and more kollelim and to increase and honor Torah.
“… [To the supporters] all the wishes of their hearts will be fulfilled for the good with ברכה והצלחה in all matters, refuos and yeshuos … Amen

(Erev Rosh Hashanah 5781) I extend my brochos to all those who support the Shas Yiden Kollel Network that was established by my friend and colleague Hagaon Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, the Pozna Rov, shlit”a. The student body comprises incredible talmidei chachomim of great stature , who are able to study and complete the entire גפ"ת (Gemora, Peirush (Rashi), Tosfos) – every year, diligently and with thorough understanding.
They have visited with me numerous times and I have tested them on the entire Shas. They were amazing with their incredible knowledge of the entire Shas, in בקיאות ועיון. Especially, this year, in response to my request to open additional such kollelim in Israel and abroad, two were opened – in Beitar and London.
Praised are they who merit to support the Shas Yiden Kollel Network by entering the most mehudar Yissachar-Zevulun partnership pact. I bless them that, in the merit of such support, all the wishes of their hearts will be fulfilled for the good, with brocho and hatzlocho in all matters, and for a good and sweet year. They shall be blessed with all the brochos written in the Torah - for good parnosso, refuah and yeshu’os until the coming of the Righteous Redeemer – amen. With blessing for a כתיבה וחתימה טובה

(At the 5779 Siyum Hashas) Support for Shas Yiden is a segulah for ehrliche kinder, yir’ei shomayim – sons talmidei chachomim and bonos tznu’os

(Inauguration of Shas Yiden - Yerushalayim) “All who support Shas Yiden will be saved from chevlei (the travails of) Moshiach - spiritually and materially”.

(Inauguration of Shas Yiden - Bnei Brak) All who support Shas Yiden will merit olam hazeh and olam habo, and will acquire Torah and wealth.

(At farher Kislev 5774) The Rabbanim Geonim, avreichim of Kollel Shas Yiden... visited with me. I discussed with them many subjects in Shas and I saw that their knowledge was exceptional, and I derived much pleasure. My blessing is that they should continue this path.

(28 Cheshvan 5779) “Let these lines serve as a testimony regarding the honorable Rabbonim Geonim, the avreichim of the Shas Yiden Kollelim… that they are בעלי תריסין(ba’alei trisin - those who dynamically debate Torah and Jewish Law) and are בעלי מידות of noble character.
“They visited with me, and I tested them with questions from throughout Shas. I was amazed at their incredible knowledge, and their study effort to delve through the entire Talmud every year, both in depth and with all-encompassing proficiency. Happy is their portion and those who support and assist are full partners in the project.
“All who support [Shas Yiden] will merit to see brocha from their livelihood many times over, and will be protected from the travails of the Messianic times. I bless them that they shall merit to bring greatness and glory to the Torah, amidst tranquility and with brocho v’hatzlocho (blessing and success) in all their efforts – Amen and may it be His will.
Sar Hatorah Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l
Nasi Shas Yiden

“Shas Yiden - A first in 2000 years of Jewish history where ALL know kol Hashas Kulo, Rashi and Tosfos b’al peh.”

- The Sanzer Rebbe, Shlit"a

Shas Yiden Facts


42 Siyumei Hashas at Shas Yiden

On Monday evening, the avreichim geonim of Shas Yiden, leading supporters from the United States and England and other guests...

5777 – Once Again – Entire Shas in One Year!

The learning of Torah, especially the Shas, is getting more and more devotees across the Jewish world –Daf Hayomi (Shas in seven and a half years), Amud Yomi (fifteen years)…

17-year-old Illui makes 4th Siyum Hashas

Yehuda, decided to celebrate his entry into his 18th year by completing shas for the 4th time! Even more remarkable is that he completed this cycle of Talmud Bavli…

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For more information on Shas Yiden, or to donate/sponsor:

Tel: 718-702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219
2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England