Amazing Study Regimen

13,555 DAF/YEAR

Even to regular Talmud scholars, a program that enables one to complete a thorough study of Shas on an annual basis is not readily attainable. The amount of material to be completed on a daily basis is daunting.

The Study Load - To keep up with the pace to complete the entire Shas in a year, the Shas Yiden avreichim need to study average of 8 daf (folios - both sides of a page of the Talmud) every day. This translates into 48 daf a week, 225 daf a month and 2711 daf a year!

The daily program follows this pattern:
Iyun Shas - 1 dafb’iyun with Rishonim per a special regimen
Shinun Shas – 4/5 daf in a chaburah in pilpul and iyun
Chazoras Hashas – 3 daf in bekius and chazora outside program hours

However, to master the information and to know it all by heart there must be constant review. Each of the eight daily folios is then reviewed an average of 4 times each day!
Total of 2711 daf in shas x 5 = 13,555 daf a year! Then there is further regular revision to assist the avreichim geonimto prepare for the detailed oral and written monthly examinations!

Hours and Hours - To accomplish this, each of these scholars must study for hours outside of the Shas Yiden framework: 7 days a week, 30 days a month, 365 days a year - including erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov, as well as on Shabbos and Yom Tov. The pace must be maintained even on days when their families have a simcha.
It is clear to the avreichim that any slippage or delay in the day’s study quota does not absolve them. Thus, if a day is missed the individual will be faced with having to learn between 14 and 16 daf the following day! The Shas Yiden program has a study support system that closely guides and monitors their daily progress.

The Tests - To achieve the aim of becoming a Shas Yid, the hanhala of Shas Yiden focuses on a program that is defined and has strict guidelines. These include an enormous amount of chazara (review) on all the pages that have been learned daily. At the same time, the hanhala ensures that the study should not be superficial, in terms of the dictum: “If you acquire too much, you’ve acquired nothing.”
All the participants must complete written summaries of what they study. Thus, ensuring that all is mastered by the time they sit for the all-encompassing examination on the 225 daf of that month.

Siyumim - The monthly test covers 2 - 8 masechtos, and a siyum on all the masechtos covered is celebrated every other Rosh Chodesh. These siyumim are attended by Gedolim, Rosh Yeshivas, Dayanim and Rabbanim who well appreciate the many personal sacrifices involved in the quest to become Shas Yiden.

“These special avreichim at Shas Yiden have the four amos of halacha together with the Torah that they study so diligently. They have proven themselves in farhers before the leading Torah sages.”

Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz zt”l

Shas Yiden Website sponsored by
אלחנן מאיר בן חיה רחל

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ShasYiden – כולל שס אידן