Simply Amazing-Shternbuch Farher

Simply Amazing: The complex questions that Maran Posek Hador seemed to pull from his cuff AND the reverberating responses of the 125 Shas Yiden Avreichim Geonim

  • Maran Posek Hador, the Gaon Harav Moshe Shternbuch, shlit”a, arrived at the siyum Hashas of the Shas Yiden kollel network. Without any advanced warning, he was asked if he would test the avreichim
  • The masterful questions and in-depth and comprehensive answers and sources amazed all who were present.
  • Maran’s excitement was palpable when he declared: In yesteryear, it was just a dream that Yiden would be knowledgeable of the entire Shas, and in detail. And here, today, we see so many avreichim being tested orally on the entire Shas.

A once in a generation happening! Maran Hagaon Harav Shternbuch arrived to attend a siyum Hashas of Shas Yiden, under the leadership of its founder, the Pozna Rov, Hagaon, Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a.

After Maran delivered words of encouragement, the Pozna Rov turned to him with a special request: would he agree to test the Shas Yiden avreichim.

Maran pondered for a few minutes and then responded in the affirmative. The comprehensive in-depth questions that Rav Shternbuch seemed to produce off-the-cuff, one after the other, were simply astounding. They came from sugyos throughout Shas, disputes between Rashi and Tosfos, implications of different peirushim in Tosfos, jumping and connecting Chulin, Kesubos, Zevochim and Kedushim – a veritable whirlwind of Torah coming together. So he would go from the beginning of the Talmud to the end, and then from the end to the middle.The sight was amazing.

And the sight was, literally, spellbinding. The Shas Yiden avreichim geonim were truly amazing in their comprehensive and detailed responses. Questions on the laws of Me’ilah, definitions of ‘migo’, ‘shaliach lidvar aveirah’, ‘sfeik sfeika’ and other sugyos in Shas.

Maran was clearly very excited from the detailed responses. After hour of give-and-take, he again took up the microphone and expressed his delight and appreciation of the avreichim geonim. However, he departed from his prepared remarks and declared:

“In yesteryear, it was just a dream that Yiden would be knowledgeable of the entire Shas, and in detail. Here, today, we see so many avreichim being tested orally on the entire Shas.”

“You clearly are causing great satisfaction before Hakadosh Baruch Hu (the Holy One, Blessed Is He), and this is a great zechus for all of the Jewish people.” And then he added “It should be known that anyone who studies and knows Shas is covered by a certain aura – the light of the Shechina. Ashreichem v’ashrei chelkechem – Praised are you all and your portion – even the malochim (angels) on High envy you all.”

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